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DO or DO NOT. There is no TRY.

Darth Vader

No, I'm your father.


You don't know the power of the dark side.

The Force Awakens


X-Wing Fighter

Long live the Rebel Alliance.

May 29, 2012

The Game

You know in life,there will always be stuff you are naturally good at and others where you aren't.In order to excel at anything where your genes and nurturing have failed you,there are always hurdles, obstacles, or challenges one must get past. It's what bodybuilders call the pain period. It is the busted tendon,the over-stretched muscle or the torn tissue which makes even a simple arm curl seem like an invitation to wincing pain.Even worse, it is the sickening feeling which looks back at you from the mirror. The one where you get rejected by your own reflection.The one which says no matter how much you are sweating it,you are still just not good enough.
Those who push themselves, and are willing to face pain, exhaustion, humiliation, rejection, or worse, are the ones who become champions. The rest are left on the sidelines. To accomplish things successfully, I would have to grow some balls and be willing to leave my comfort zone. Success is a numbers game. The more trials I run,the more chances I have of getting to where I want. It is a game. A game I have to play with myself. It's where I am squared off against a mistake I'd been making my whole life: to get something I value very much, I have to be willing to risk losing it.


  1. I agree...We have to run, endure, compete with ourselves each time to win any game in life. Nothing comes easy. Beautiful and sensible writing.

    1. @Saru Yep.We gotta do all that and then some.:-)

  2. Now my Dad has been telling me this since days.

    1. @Red and what have you been doing about it? :)

  3. This post SO reflects your nature. Good!

  4. No pain, no gain :) Go for it, and do your best. Good luck!

    1. @Philo There may be only pain and no gain at all.But the risk has to be taken.:-)

  5. “Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.”
    ― Albert Einstein

    It's good to push, but better to know where to push.

    1. @shreya can we really claim to 'know' anything?;-)

  6. Rahul, Rahul, my boy...tch, tch, tch... Why?

  7. Just so true, without pain we can't achieve something! But even though its all pain and no gain, still what's wrong in trying, you never know what's there is store! Life is surely a game, and God is the umpire or referre! Keep faith :)

  8. sahi baat , nothing comes easy .
    * lagi padi hai aajkal toh ! *
    phew !!
